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Required Course Listing
Total Program Hours: 61
Math Elective
(MAT 220, 221, 241, 302, 321, or 322) (Minimum grade “C”)
Social Science Elective
(ECO 231, 232, GEO 220, HCP 101, HSO 201 or any HIS 3__ or higher)
College 101 or Intro to 网赌最好最大平台
Composition I
This course is designed to help students understand and develop their writing, reading, and thinking abilities through writing and the examination of any variety of texts, including literature, with emphasis on the writing process, and to prepare students to develop analytical, interpretive, and synthesizing abilities. Students in this course will also be introduced to library and Internet research methods. (Prerequisite: Regular Admit or one semester of ENG 100.) (Minimum grade “C”)
Composition II
English 102 builds on skills learned in English 101 by further leading students to analyze and write critically about any variety of texts, including literature, and to apply research skills toward the production of a research paper. (Prerequisite: a grade of C or higher in ENG 101.) (Minimum grade “C”)
Fundamentals of Speech
This course, accompanied by a lab, equips students with the fundamentals of skillful oral delivery. Students learn to prepare and present short informative and persuasive speeches. The selection and organization of material, methods of securing interest and attention, and elements of delivery are emphasized. Offered every semester.
Math Elective
(MAT 220, 221, 241, 302, 321, or 322) (Minimum grade “C”)
Social Science Elective
(ECO 231, 232, GEO 220, HCP 101, HSO 201 or any HIS 3__ or higher)
College 101 or Intro to 网赌最好最大平台
Composition I
This course is designed to help students understand and develop their writing, reading, and thinking abilities through writing and the examination of any variety of texts, including literature, with emphasis on the writing process, and to prepare students to develop analytical, interpretive, and synthesizing abilities. Students in this course will also be introduced to library and Internet research methods. (Prerequisite: Regular Admit or one semester of ENG 100.) (Minimum grade “C”)
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College 101 or Intro to 网赌最好最大平台
Composition I
This course is designed to help students understand and develop their writing, reading, and thinking abilities through writing and the examination of any variety of texts, including literature, with emphasis on the writing process, and to prepare students to develop analytical, interpretive, and synthesizing abilities. Students in this course will also be introduced to library and Internet research methods. (Prerequisite: Regular Admit or one semester of ENG 100.) (Minimum grade “C”)
Composition II
English 102 builds on skills learned in English 101 by further leading students to analyze and write critically about any variety of texts, including literature, and to apply research skills toward the production of a research paper. (Prerequisite: a grade of C or higher in ENG 101.) (Minimum grade “C”)
Fundamentals of Speech
This course, accompanied by a lab, equips students with the fundamentals of skillful oral delivery. Students learn to prepare and present short informative and persuasive speeches. The selection and organization of material, methods of securing interest and attention, and elements of delivery are emphasized. Offered every semester.
Math Elective
(MAT 220, 221, 241, 302, 321, or 322) (Minimum grade “C”)
Social Science Elective
(ECO 231, 232, GEO 220, HCP 101, HSO 201 or any HIS 3__ or higher)
Introduction to New Testament
An introduction to the New Testament, including a survey of key tools and techniques for further study of the NT. (Prerequisite: BOT 110.) Required during the second semester of enrollment at 网赌最好最大平台.
Introduction to Old Testament
An introduction to the Old Testament, including a survey of key tools and techniques for further study of the OT.
Christian Heritage
An introduction to the basics of the Christian faith, its history, and its doctrine. (Prerequisites: BOT 110 and BNT 110.)
Introduction to New Testament
An introduction to the New Testament, including a survey of key tools and techniques for further study of the NT. (Prerequisite: BOT 110.) Required during the second semester of enrollment at 网赌最好最大平台.
Introduction to Old Testament
An introduction to the Old Testament, including a survey of key tools and techniques for further study of the OT.
Christian Heritage
An introduction to the basics of the Christian faith, its history, and its doctrine. (Prerequisites: BOT 110 and BNT 110.)
Introduction to New Testament
An introduction to the New Testament, including a survey of key tools and techniques for further study of the NT. (Prerequisite: BOT 110.) Required during the second semester of enrollment at 网赌最好最大平台.
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Christian Heritage
An introduction to the basics of the Christian faith, its history, and its doctrine. (Prerequisites: BOT 110 and BNT 110.)
Introduction to New Testament
An introduction to the New Testament, including a survey of key tools and techniques for further study of the NT. (Prerequisite: BOT 110.) Required during the second semester of enrollment at 网赌最好最大平台.
Introduction to Old Testament
An introduction to the Old Testament, including a survey of key tools and techniques for further study of the OT.
Social Psychology
An in-depth survey of the ways in which humans interact with and are influenced by their social environment. Topics covered will include attitudes, conformity, altruism, prejudice, and attraction. Offered every fall. (Prerequisite: Minimum Junior standing, HCP 201 or specific permission of instructor.)
Tests & Measures
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 422 & HCP 403) This course is an introduction to assessment in psychology. Types of tests for different situations and questions will be surveyed. Necessary psychometric characteristics of tests will be considered. Applications to both clinical and experimental contexts will be offered. Offered spring of even years. (Prerequisite: HCP 222 or specific approval of the instructor.)
Developmental Psychology
The study of life span human development, with special concern for the genetic and environmental factors which influence the mental, emotional, and moral development of a person. Each of the following stages of lifespan development are included in this study: prenatal development and birth, infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood, and death and dying.
Group Counseling
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 342 & HCP 344) The role of groups in therapy will be examined. The course will focus on both the theoretical and practical aspects of group processes. Role and functions of the group leader, stages of group development, and techniques and applications deriving from different models will be explored. Offered fall of even years. (Prerequisite: HCP 201.)
HCP/HSW/HSC Elective
(HSW 221 or HSW 204 recommended)
Introduction to Psychology
This introduction to psychology deals with the biological bases for behavior, sensation and perception, learning and cognition, motivation and emotion, personality theories, psychopathology and treatment, and social psychology. Offered every fall.
Introduction to Statistics
This course is not part of the math secondary teacher education major. An introduction to quantitative methods in social science research. Topics include probability, descriptive statistics, and parametric and non-parametric inferential statistics. (Prerequisite: MAT 213, 220, 231, or instructor consent. Same as HCP 222, BUS 292. Offered Every Semester)
Marriage & Family Therapy
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 342 & HCP 344) A study of various approaches to marriage and family therapy. Models reviewed will include systems theory, experiential/ communications, and cognitive-behavioral perspectives. This course covers areas of marital and family development, issues in disintegration of a marriage and/or family, and interventions and working through the stages of therapy. (Prerequisites: HCP 201 and Junior standing or above or approval of instructor. Offered fall of odd years.)
Personality Theory
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 422 & HCP 403) A survey of the major theories of personality with supportive and critical evidence considered. Approaches surveyed will include: Psychoanalytic; Ego Psychology; Trait; Cognitive; and Social Learning theories. Offered spring of odd years. (Prerequisite: HCP 201 or specific approval of the instructor.)
Social Psychology
An in-depth survey of the ways in which humans interact with and are influenced by their social environment. Topics covered will include attitudes, conformity, altruism, prejudice, and attraction. Offered every fall. (Prerequisite: Minimum Junior standing, HCP 201 or specific permission of instructor.)
Tests & Measures
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 422 & HCP 403) This course is an introduction to assessment in psychology. Types of tests for different situations and questions will be surveyed. Necessary psychometric characteristics of tests will be considered. Applications to both clinical and experimental contexts will be offered. Offered spring of even years. (Prerequisite: HCP 222 or specific approval of the instructor.)
Developmental Psychology
The study of life span human development, with special concern for the genetic and environmental factors which influence the mental, emotional, and moral development of a person. Each of the following stages of lifespan development are included in this study: prenatal development and birth, infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood, and death and dying.
Group Counseling
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 342 & HCP 344) The role of groups in therapy will be examined. The course will focus on both the theoretical and practical aspects of group processes. Role and functions of the group leader, stages of group development, and techniques and applications deriving from different models will be explored. Offered fall of even years. (Prerequisite: HCP 201.)
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Developmental Psychology
The study of life span human development, with special concern for the genetic and environmental factors which influence the mental, emotional, and moral development of a person. Each of the following stages of lifespan development are included in this study: prenatal development and birth, infancy, early childhood, middle and late childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, late adulthood, and death and dying.
Group Counseling
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 342 & HCP 344) The role of groups in therapy will be examined. The course will focus on both the theoretical and practical aspects of group processes. Role and functions of the group leader, stages of group development, and techniques and applications deriving from different models will be explored. Offered fall of even years. (Prerequisite: HCP 201.)
HCP/HSW/HSC Elective
(HSW 221 or HSW 204 recommended)
Introduction to Psychology
This introduction to psychology deals with the biological bases for behavior, sensation and perception, learning and cognition, motivation and emotion, personality theories, psychopathology and treatment, and social psychology. Offered every fall.
Introduction to Statistics
This course is not part of the math secondary teacher education major. An introduction to quantitative methods in social science research. Topics include probability, descriptive statistics, and parametric and non-parametric inferential statistics. (Prerequisite: MAT 213, 220, 231, or instructor consent. Same as HCP 222, BUS 292. Offered Every Semester)
Marriage & Family Therapy
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 342 & HCP 344) A study of various approaches to marriage and family therapy. Models reviewed will include systems theory, experiential/ communications, and cognitive-behavioral perspectives. This course covers areas of marital and family development, issues in disintegration of a marriage and/or family, and interventions and working through the stages of therapy. (Prerequisites: HCP 201 and Junior standing or above or approval of instructor. Offered fall of odd years.)
Personality Theory
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 422 & HCP 403) A survey of the major theories of personality with supportive and critical evidence considered. Approaches surveyed will include: Psychoanalytic; Ego Psychology; Trait; Cognitive; and Social Learning theories. Offered spring of odd years. (Prerequisite: HCP 201 or specific approval of the instructor.)
Social Psychology
An in-depth survey of the ways in which humans interact with and are influenced by their social environment. Topics covered will include attitudes, conformity, altruism, prejudice, and attraction. Offered every fall. (Prerequisite: Minimum Junior standing, HCP 201 or specific permission of instructor.)
Tests & Measures
(CHOOSE BETWEEN HCP 422 & HCP 403) This course is an introduction to assessment in psychology. Types of tests for different situations and questions will be surveyed. Necessary psychometric characteristics of tests will be considered. Applications to both clinical and experimental contexts will be offered. Offered spring of even years. (Prerequisite: HCP 222 or specific approval of the instructor.)
Human Biology
This course applies biological principles to practical human concerns enabling students to understand their bodies and their environment. Emphasis is placed on human anatomy, physiology, genetics, diseases, and the aging process. Meets a life-science requirement in most programs. Offered every spring.
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
(Any ENG 2__ or higher, HUM 211, HUM 212, or MHL 102)
History Elective
(HIS 101, 102, 111, or 112)
Human Biology
This course applies biological principles to practical human concerns enabling students to understand their bodies and their environment. Emphasis is placed on human anatomy, physiology, genetics, diseases, and the aging process. Meets a life-science requirement in most programs. Offered every spring.
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
(Any ENG 2__ or higher, HUM 211, HUM 212, or MHL 102)
History Elective
(HIS 101, 102, 111, or 112)
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History Elective
(HIS 101, 102, 111, or 112)
Human Biology
This course applies biological principles to practical human concerns enabling students to understand their bodies and their environment. Emphasis is placed on human anatomy, physiology, genetics, diseases, and the aging process. Meets a life-science requirement in most programs. Offered every spring.
Humanities/Fine Arts Elective
(Any ENG 2__ or higher, HUM 211, HUM 212, or MHL 102)
Additional Course Notes
Well Prepared
“Thank you so much, Dr. Brickey! I was well prepared, both educationally and most importantly, spiritually. I will forever remember this experience. I pray I can continue to make Yancey School of Nursing proud as I practice my career.”
Nephtalie Fleur, Class of 2022